NAD+ non-canonical 5' RNA cap in Arabidopsis thaliana: metabolism, cellular functions and physiological impact
NCN 2018/29/B/NZ3/01980
The cap structure of RNA molecules plays a crucial part in many cellular processes. A non-canonical NAD+ cap is a very recent, exciting discovery and is one of main scientific interests for many world-leading molecular biology research groups. Establishing the cellular function and physiological significance in plants, where such studies has not been performed to date, will make an important contribution to the existing state of knowledge and will enable further analysis of this phenomenon in higher Eukaryotes. These studies will also allow for the identification of enzymes and factors involved in the metabolism of this unusual cap structure and cellular processes dependent on NAD+ -capped RNAs. This will present a significant input to the comprehensive understanding of elementary processes underlying the basis of proper functioning of eukaryotic cells.